
Showing posts from December, 2019

Does size impart importance?

              I just became a new dad, and I have been working to re-establish my rhythm in my life while taking care of my baby girl. While looking at her one night, I was hit with an old argument that I have seen some thoughts about how humanity, and planet earth, are so insignificantly small with respect to the universe, that religion has to be false because it is human-centric. I wanted to take a minute and think about that size qualifier. Just because someone/something is small relative to something else, or the universe, does that make that someone/something unimportant? Absolutely not, and we can demonstrate this through anecdotal evidence and scientific evidence.               Anyone who has had a child of their own can tell you, and now I can, that having that baby just shifted almost all of your priorities lower down and placed that baby at the very top, just short of my relationship with God. They are incredibly small relative to their parents (especially to me with my